Sunday, October 11, 2009


Beans was being given alot of attention this afternoon as I tried to help her get caught up on the school work she missed during her bout with strep throat.

This resulted in Binky being very disgruntled. She tried her hardest to get me to play with her. She whined..she niggled...she stomped....and then she made the announcement. Its the announcement that all of us have made at some point in our childhood (or in some cases maybe adulthood). "That's it! I'm going to runaway!"

She packed her suitcase, blanket, pillow and doll and proceeded to runaway to the backyard. She strategically placed herself in front of the livingroom window so I could watch as she took some cushions from our patio furniture and established her "new home". It was pretty cute and a memory I thought was worth capturing.

Eventually she tired of her "new house" out back and moved her stuff through the french door that leads to our master bedroom. She stomped back to the living room and announced that she had now runaway to the big bedroom with Daddy. Needless to say that didn't last long as Daddy himself was running away...but only to the world of football and naps. I am very relieved that she eventually changed her mind and decided to come home to her Mama who loves her. She got some extra TLC at bedtime but still hangs on to her conviction that "Home is B-O-RING...sometimes."

Love Ya Binks!

1 comment:

Family American Style. said...

She really set up herself a cute little house. The Cisco Kid always threatens to run away and pack all his toys. I tell him, ok. You can take what you can carry and you can't come back for more. He gets so confused on what he wants to take with him that he forgets about running away.