Wednesday, September 9, 2009


We were having a nice relaxing Labor Day at home. I had been playing with the girls all day but my energy and interest were beginning to wane. They sensed this, and therefore began an all out competition to see who could get Mama's attention. They pulled out all the tricks...funky dances, messing up their hair, stripping their clothes, shreiking, fighting with each other, jumping on me, etc.....but Beans was ultimately the winner when she jumped up on our trailer, bent over with her cute little booty sticking out, and said, " Hey, Mama...Smack my Cymbal !!!" I burst out her this was better than any blue ribbon or trophy.
Where in the world did she come up with that?


Family American Style. said...

That little girl of yours is so cute!!

Cherry Tree said...

Where did she come up with that saying? Is that what you say to Dennis? Ha! Ha! Just teasing. She is hysterical! :)